Refining Mindfulness of Breathing

Online, Saturday, March 8

12-6PM Pacific, 3-9PM Eastern

Probably the first meditation method most of us learned focused in some way on our breathing; this intensive is an opportunity to revisit and enrich this foundational avenue of practice, connecting breath, body, and mind. I will teach three methods of mindfulness of breathing: mindfulness of sensations at the nostrils/upper lip, whole-body breathing (with an optional anchor in the abdomen), and one yoked to visualization of color. Though often thought of as a “beginner’s practice”, really the whole path can unfold through just one breath.

Half-Day Retreat Format

  • Opening hour for hellos, instruction, and Q&A.

  • 4 hour practice period, with an optional longer guided practice mid-way.

    The Zoom room will remain open for everyone to practice together, you may also sign off to practice solo however you wish. I’ll be available during this period for 1:1 sessions with participants.

  • Concluding hour for reports, discussion, Q&A, goodbyes.

The Ask:

Once your registration is confirmed, I invite you to donate to support my offering of this and future retreats according to your financial means.